
Main Screen for reports and inquiries. You can log off, change your password, inquire by patient or ticket and run reports using various criteria from this screen.

What you can do from here:

Patient Inquiry

Patient detail information for:

Run / Tickets

Search by:

Patient ID, Patient Number, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Social Security Number, Birth Date, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Phone, Member ID, Eligibility Response Date

Ticket details can be viewed by following the links in the report generated.
Ticket Inquiry

Ticket detail information for:




Account Receivable

Search by:

Run Number, From DOS, To DOS, Status, Only Open, Assignment, Patient ID, First Name, Last Name, Member ID

Patient details can be viewed by following the links in the report generated.
ReportsThis tab is for basic as well as custom reports.


INVOICE – Basic Invoice, Performance Analysis, Receivables by Customer, Transport Mode Detail, Trip Detailed and Trip Ticket Detail - DOS

Custom reports can be made upon request.

Patient Inquiry (Tab)

Use the patient inquiry to get detailed patient information including demographics, accounting, insurance, and tickets.

Search by Patient

Click on “Patient Inquiry” tab.

Patient Inquiry main screen opens.

Enter “Search Criteria” as needed

Click on “Search” button or press “Enter” on the keyboard.

A list matching the search criteria will be generated and shown below the search criteria.


If more than one patient is listed, they can be grouped by ID, Number or Name.

Click the category column to be grouped, then drag the column header to the “Drag a column here to group by” shaded area.

The results will now be sorted, and a count of each match will be presented.

Groups can then be minimized by clicking on the minus sign or expanded by clicking on the plus sign.


With the mouse, hover over the column header in the shaded area. Then click the “X


Clicking on the “Detail” link in the lower left of the search results opens the “Patient Detail

Patient Detail

Patient Detail includes demographics, accounting, insurance and tickets.

Show Closed

Clicking on “Show Closed” in the Open Tickets area will show all tickets the patient has.


Clicking on “Detail” is the same as a “Ticket Inquiry” (See Ticket Inquiry)

Ticket Inquiry (Tab)

Use the ticket inquiry to get detailed information about a ticket / run / incident.

Search for a Ticket

Click on “Ticket Inquiry" tab.

Ticket Inquiry main screen opens.

Enter “Search Criteria” as needed.

Click on “Search” button or press “Enter” on the keyboard.

A list matching the search criteria will be generated and shown below the search criteria.


If more than one ticket is listed, they can be grouped by Run Number, Date of Service, Name, Primary Payer or Balance.

Click the category column to be grouped, then drag the column header to the “Drag a column here to group by” shaded area.

The result will now be sorted, and a count of each group will be presented.

Groups can then be minimized by clicking on the minus sign or expanded by clicking on the plus sign.


With the mouse, hover over the column header in the shaded area. Then click the “X”.


Clicking on the “Detail” link in the lower left of the search results opens the “Ticket Detail”.

Ticket Detail includes patient name, date of service, pickup and destination, diagnosis codes, transport mode, 

mileage, call and scene times, charges, insurance and A/R.

Clicking on the "Patient" name is the same as running the “Patient Inquiry” (see patient inquiry)