If there is ever a time that the Emergicon Performance Dashboard isn't working as you expected, please use the following basic troubleshooting steps to help identify and resolve common issues.


I Can't Log In! Help

Don't fret - logging in, even if you forgot your password, isn't a big deal.  

Simply reset your password!  Reset password instructions can be found here: Emergicon Performance Dashboard FAQ : Emergicon or you can visit https://dataviz.solanalytica.com if you already know the resetting-your-password-drill.

Dashboard not Displaying

An example of what your dashboard may look like when it is not displaying data properly is found below:

This can happen for various reasons, so a little troubleshooting is required.  First, we recommend you only use the latest version of Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome browsers to ensure the best possible experience.

Initial General Troubleshooting Steps

  • Start by clearing your browsing cache / history
    • Step-by-step instructions for Microsoft Edge can be found here
    • Step-by-step instructions for Google Chrome can be found here
  • Then, navigate to your dashboard (https://dashboard.emergicon.com) and before logging in, perform a 'hard-refresh' of the site by pressing CTRL + R

Login as you normally would.  If the dashboard is now displayed then the error has been cleared!  If your issue still persists, please move on to the next step: Looking for errors.

Looking for Errors

As indicated in the screenshot above, you may notice an 'Error' being shown in the upper-right hand corner of your browser. This is a good indicator that something is going awry behind the scenes.   

Let's take a peek under the hood by showing the browser's Developer Tools.  This will take you to the actual error message which will say what is truly happening.  

Developer (Dev) Tools is generally launched in either Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard. Once Dev Tools have opened, please refresh the page by pressing F5 or click the refresh button in your browser's navigation bar.  This loads the entire page from start to finish and captures the entire loading sequence.

In the example below you will notice on the Console page that an error has occurred.  Here, I have re-created the most common error - the blocking of the Tableau JavaScript file which is used to display your dashboard.

If you see this same file being blocked, or otherwise not loading with an Error indication please reach out to your IT Department and inform them of the situation.  

Request that this file ("https://dashboard.emergicon.com:5000/javascripts/api/tableau.embedding.3.latest.min.js") be allowed or otherwise trusted and the following URL's be added to the relevant security policies for your browser and/or network firewall and router(s) in general:

If you find any additional errors beside the one mentioned above - please open a support ticket and include a screenshot of the error you encountered.

Final Troubleshooting Steps

If you are not encountering any errors shown in your browser's Dev Tools, please navigate to https://dashboard.emergicon.com:5000.  Using your standard credentials for the Performance Dashboard, please login to view your dashboards.  

Note: This method is nowhere near as user friendly as going in through the main Performance Dashboard interface, however, will indicate whether your dashboards are available as expected.   

If you find that your dashboards are not available through this method, please open a support ticket and include a screenshot of what you are viewing from the interface after logging in.

Data Not Refreshing

This is a less common situation, however, if you encounter this issue where your data is not refreshed by the 6th business day of the month after 9:00 am CST, simply logout and login to the Performance Dashboard utilizing the Profile icon in the upper right of the Dashboard interface as seen below:

If the issue persists, please open a support ticket.